Some people fast for spiritual reasons thinking that it will cleanse their bodies. Well, there is no doubt about it, it is scientifically proven that fasts help to remove toxins from the body. But when you fast (i.e. not eat anything) for a prolonged time, it depletes the organs and muscle glycogen also it causes the body to run at extremely low levels of electrolytes. The fasts are also known to decrease the metabolism of the body. But adding to the benefits, there have been scientific studies showing that the fasting increases the testosterone hormone and growth hormone levels, it also helps to regulate insulin's level in the body. Fasting for fat failure is a very common activity these days but fasting for long could place some serious stress on the body. And the damage done to metabolism could also be permanent in some cases.
Today I will give you a way to fast in such a
way that it will not only give the above-mentioned benefits of fasting but will
also increase your metabolism. This method of fasting is called metabolic/intermittent
fasting. The metabolic/Intermittent fast for fat loss offers better results.
Daily fasting decreases metabolism and causes blood sugar levels to increase.
Slower metabolism causes slow digestion and decreases the absorption of good
nutrients from the food. This in turn could reverse the process of fat loss.
Metabolic/Intermittent fasting on the other hand offers a way to provide the
body with essential nutrients to maintain our metabolic rate and stay in the
fat-burning state of fasting.
Intermittent fasting:
intermittent fasting is when you eat for a specific period (the eating window)
and then not eat for the rest of the day. For example, I practice 18:6 ratio in
fasting where I allot 6 hours window for eating and then not eat anything for
the next 18 hours straight. These 6 hours of eating will help your body pick up
essential nutrients to boost your metabolism for the rest of 18 hours for your
fast. The best part about metabolic fasting is that you cannot overeat even if
you want to since the time allotted for eating is very less. You could vary the eating window size between 6-8 hours according to your requirement. As long as the eating window is smaller than the fasting window, you are good to go.
For intermittent fasting to be super-efficient, consume healthy foods during the eating windows. Eat sources of lean protein like chicken breast, eggs, tuna, etc. Maintaining your macros(protein especially) will help you to lose a a huge amount of fats and negligible muscle mass during fasting. Also do not forget to take the essential micro-nutrients. Fish oil and a lot of veggies and you are good to go. Fasting also induces a stage called autophagy during which your cells let go/discharge toxic wastes and damaged strands of RNA/DNA. Considering the benefits of fasting, “Mass fasting”(a large number of people fasting together) is a common phenomenon in many religious cults, during Ramadan( A month in Muslim Calendar), religious Muslims practice fast which is similar to intermittent fasting (16: 8), where they eat only during early morning and night(approximately 8 hours of eating window) and fast for the rest of the day. This process is repeated for a whole month. This not only helps to purify the body but it also helps people to get back in better shape.
is about longevity and not stupidity. If it is not overwhelming and intimidating
and you are not experiencing any pain, you are right where you should be. The process
of fitness is long and slow and hence you should never try to rush through it
and experience and cherish every part of it.
yes, this method of fasting is quite good and effective many people across the world use this . Many bodybuilders also use this so you can use this without any doubt . But the main part is taking good diet at the time you eat .