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How to motivate yourself?

Have you ever set a goal where you were really motivated at the start and eventually lost the interest/motivation to pursue it? This habit is not only hindering your goals but also decreasing your confidence in yourself. When the frequency of non-fulfillment of goals is increased, your sense of self-worth suffers, and you start thinking that maybe you’re not made for that work or maybe you are just an average human who is not made for non-average things. Today we will talk about a better way to commit to your goals. If this doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t mean that you are not good enough perhaps you need to understand that same jabs and hooks don’t work for all boxers and you should rather try to find the ones that suit your style.

To understand this technique, we must first understand the experiment which proved its effectiveness.

The Experiment:

This Experiment was conducted by two renowned psychologists Morton Deutsch and Harold Gerald in 1995. In this experiment, the participants were shown a line and were asked to estimate its length in their mind. The participants were then divided into three groups:

Group 1: This group had to write down their estimate publicly in front of other participants.

Group 2: This group was made to write down their estimate in private and then were allowed to erase it without anyone seeing what they wrote.

Group 3: This group didn’t write down their estimate but just kept the estimate in their mind.

Which group would you think will stick to its judgement after receiving the information that their judgement was wrong?

The result:

It was found that the students who had never written down their estimates were least loyal to their observation while the ones in the "group 1" were most loyal and argued ferociously to assert that their estimates were correct. While the students who wrote their judgement anonymously also committed to their judgement more.

The Deutsch and Geralt’s finding that we are more inclined to our decisions if we bound ourselves publicly to them could be put to good use. For example, many smoking addiction seminars/workshops ask their attendees to post on the Facebook/social media that they have joined a smoking addiction workshops and will not smoke no matter what happens hence making them commit publicly to their aim. This way they have bound themselves publicly to their aim and hence this acts as the sources of motivation for most of the people attending this workshop.

My Opinion:

We commit more to the decisions that we bound ourselves to publicly. Hence it is a good idea to publicly commit to the goals that matter to you the most. This will force you to work your ass off and give your 100%. Even if you failed, you will know that it was not because of your lack of effort and it will also help you to learn more from your shortcomings. If you are worried about what people will think of you if you fail, you must know that most of the people don’t even know what they think about themselves. Do you think that it is a sane idea to validate your worth according to their opinion? Work your ass off and hit the bullseye!

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  1. Bro I am not saying I didn't like it ... definitely it's one way of thinking ...but if you are revealing your plans a group who are aiming the same target ...then you are just getting yourself competition
    Competition is good but why to provoke it
    Apni class ka example le le ..jitne bande code karte Hain ....pehle bataya kisi ne ..chup chap Kar ke nikal liye na age being one
    To I think work your ass off in silence
    And let's success make the noise

    By the way blog was good if you think that way 🤘🤘

    1. If you think that way then writing down your goals also works, remember group 2(who wrote things anonymously) were also more committed to their decisions than the ones who didn't write it down somewhere!

    2. i think working in silence will work only for those who are already motivated .

  2. Nice content. Keep it up.


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