You must have seen the statues of Greek Gods like Zeus, Poseidon, and others. All have that well-built proportional physique which could make even the fittest of guys feel insecure around them. But is it something that only genetically gifted guys could enjoy? Nope, anyone could build strong lean visible muscles with smart and hard work combined. I will not give you that pep talk to motivate you to hit the gym harder but today I will talk about how to hit the gym smarter. Well, you might have already heard about eat clean, sleep 8 hours, drink water, etc. So, I would not be talking about basic stuff like these.
Perform Compound Lifts:
The exercises could basically be divided into two broad categories:
a. Compound lifts
b. Isolation lifts
The compound lifts (bench press, squats, deadlifts, military press, pull ups, rows) as the name implies hit more than one muscle group at the time. While isolation exercises (bicep curl, triceps extensions, etc) are only specific muscle oriented. The problem with most gym goers is that they focus mostly on isolated exercises. While isolated exercises are not bad but if we would have to perform a whole-body workout with only isolated exercises, it would take us a couple of hours to complete. Also isolated exercises do not improve much strength. The compound exercises on the other hand hit more muscles and consume less time comparatively. Plus, strength gains are massive in case of compound exercises.
Balance your push and pull:
Another problem with muscle heads is that they overdo chest and shoulder exercises (which involves push movement of the body) and completely neglect/overlook their back muscles and rear delts (pull ups and rows which involve pull movement) which could lead to bad posture due to muscular imbalances. To look aesthetically pleasing, posture plays a major role.
Do not forget your legs:
Legs provide overall body stability and skinny legs do not look good over a muscular body. An overall growth of body is must to give it an aesthetic look. Besides that, leg exercises like squat and deadlift are responsible for a huge spike in testosterone levels of the body which is also called the growth hormone when to comes to muscle building. Hitting legs will also give you a sweet butt so hit the legs baby!! 😉
One of the biggest mistake beginners make when they hit gym is, they over-train. It is important to understand that muscle break when we workout and heal and become stronger/bigger when we give them adequate rest. Hitting chest five times does not mean you would grow it bigger fast. Over-training could also lead to injury which takes ages to recover. A good rule of thumb is to rest at least 48 hours before hitting the same muscle group again. So, take adequate rests to give your body enough time to heal.
Keep it in proportion with your height:
The main goal of this article is not to build a bigger physique but to build a better-looking physique. You may have achieved an ideal musculature but if you are bulking too much then you might look bigger but that won’t make you aesthetically pleasing. If you are a short person than building a bulky physique would make you look even more shorter relatively. The goal is to keep the amount of muscle mass in proportion with your height. Always remember big is good but proportioned is better when it comes to looks.
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